Cloud Deployment Models 101: Everything You Need to Know

Hello and Welcome back! In the previous blog, we learned about cloud computing. In today’s blog, we will learn about different cloud deployment models. But before that, let’s try to understand:

Why do we need different types of cloud deployment models? 

The answer is simple, different organizations have different requirements. They want different levels of control on their cloud infrastructure. So to cater to their needs, we have different types of cloud deployment models.

Each model offers a different level of management, security, and cost to the users. So once you understand all the cloud deployment models, you will be able to decide which cloud model best suits you and your customer.

Now let’s look at the definition of the cloud deployment model.

It is based on three main attributes. 

  1. Where is cloud infrastructure located?
  2. Who controls it? 
  3. Who can access and use it? 

In addition to all the cloud services like computing, storage, network, & database; Cloud infrastructure also involves hardware, building, power, cooling, etc.

Your control of the cloud will vary based on factors like where the infrastructure is located, who maintains it, & who can use it.

There are three types of cloud deployment models:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud

A public cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure maintained and operated by a cloud service provider. Some of the public cloud providers are Amazon Web Services(AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. 

In the public cloud computing model, cloud services such as computing, storage, database, and network are available over the internet, and anyone can use them. It means a startup, a big organization, or even an individual can use public cloud services. 

The cloud service providers are responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure including building, power, cooling, and hardware failure. We will learn about these public cloud providers in detail later in this module.

Now Let’s go to the private cloud.

Private Cloud

A private cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure that is specifically provisioned for a company. 

In the private cloud computing model, cloud services such as computing, storage, database, and network are available to an organization and its users only. 

However, the infrastructure can be maintained either by the organization itself or by the third party who is providing the cloud services. Similarly, the hardware can be located on-site or at the third-party site.

So when a cloud computing infrastructure is available for a certain organization and to their internal people only, this is called Private Cloud. 

Private clouds are more expensive than public clouds as huge upfront capital is required to set them up and maintain them. 

They are generally more secure than public clouds. Therefore, organizations that want to run their mission-critical applications prefer private clouds due to security reasons. 

The next is the hybrid cloud.

Hybrid cloud

As the name suggests, hybrid means the combination of two or more. A hybrid cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure that benefits from both Public and Private models and enables organizations to use both. 

So when an organization uses a public cloud along with its private cloud, that’s called a Hybrid cloud. In other words, a Hybrid cloud combines a public cloud and a private cloud to allow data and applications to be shared between them.

Now, you must have an idea about the three deployment models of cloud computing and what makes them different from each other.

That’s all for this blog.

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