AWS CodeDeploy Made Easy: Hands-On Demos for Effective Deployment

AWS CodeDeploy


AWS CodeDeploy is a powerful service that simplifies the deployment of your applications to various compute services, such as Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, and on-premises servers. It helps you automate your deployment process and ensure that your applications are delivered reliably and consistently. In this blog, we’ll provide you with a series of hands-on demos to help you understand and master AWS CodeDeploy. These demos will guide you through the process of setting up CodeDeploy, creating deployments, and managing deployments effectively.

Before diving into the actual deployment process, you need to set up AWS CodeDeploy. This demo will walk you through the steps to create a CodeDeploy application and define a deployment group. Key points to cover in this demo:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the CodeDeploy service.
  3. Create a CodeDeploy application.
  4. Define a deployment group for your application.
  5. Configure the required permissions and service roles.

Demo 1: Setting Up AWS CodeDeploy

In this first hands-on demo, we will guide you through the process of setting up AWS CodeDeploy, which is the initial step in using the service to automate deployments in your AWS environment. To do this, we will break down the setup process into several key steps:

Step 1: Accessing the AWS Management Console

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: To begin setting up AWS CodeDeploy, you’ll first need to access the AWS Management Console. Make sure you have your AWS credentials (access key and secret key) ready.

  • Navigate to CodeDeploy: Once you’re logged in, you can navigate to the AWS CodeDeploy service by typing “CodeDeploy” in the AWS services search bar, or you can locate it under the “Developer Tools” section in the AWS Management Console.

Step 2: Creating a New Application

  • Create a New Application: After accessing the CodeDeploy service, you will be presented with an interface that allows you to create and manage CodeDeploy applications.
  • Click on the “Create application” button to start the setup process.

  • Fill in Application Details: You will be prompted to provide some essential details about your application, such as the name and description. Ensure that the application name is unique within your AWS account.

Step 3: Defining a Deployment Group

  • Define a Deployment Group: Once you’ve created an application, the next step is to define a deployment group within that application. A deployment group represents a set of target instances to which you’ll deploy your application. Click on “Create deployment group” to start this process.
  • Configure Deployment Group Details: You’ll need to configure the deployment group by specifying a name and a service role for AWS CodeDeploy. The service role is important because it grants necessary permissions to CodeDeploy to interact with your AWS resources. If you don’t have an existing service role, you can create one during this setup.

Step 4: Configuring Deployment Settings

  • Define Deployment Configuration: In this step, you can define your deployment configuration. You can specify settings such as the deployment type (in-place or blue-green), the deployment algorithm, and the minimum number of healthy hosts required during a deployment. These settings are crucial for controlling the deployment process.

Step 5: Review and Create

  • Review and Create: Before finalizing the setup, review all the details you’ve entered to ensure they are accurate. This is your last chance to make any necessary changes.
  • Create the Application and Deployment Group: After reviewing and confirming that everything is correct, click the “Create” button to create your CodeDeploy application and deployment group.

Step 6: Configure Agent on Deployment Targets

  • Install and Configure CodeDeploy Agent: To enable your EC2 instances or other deployment targets to work with AWS CodeDeploy, you need to install and configure the AWS CodeDeploy agent. The agent is responsible for managing deployments on the instances.

These steps set up your AWS CodeDeploy environment, including the application, deployment group, and necessary configurations. With this foundation in place, you can move on to packaging your application for deployment, selecting your deployment targets, and executing deployments with AWS CodeDeploy.

By the end of this demo, you should have a clear understanding of how to set up AWS CodeDeploy, create applications, and define deployment groups, laying the groundwork for your deployment processes.

Demo 2: Preparing Your Application

Before deploying your application, you need to make sure it’s ready for deployment. In this demo, we’ll discuss how to package your application code and create an application revision. Important topics to cover include:

  • Creating a deployment package (ZIP or tarball).
  • Uploading the application revision to Amazon S3.
  • Specifying the revision in the CodeDeploy console.

In this hands-on demo, we’ll guide you through the process of preparing your application for deployment using AWS CodeDeploy. Properly packaging your application and creating an application revision are crucial steps to ensure a successful deployment.

Step 1: Application Packaging

  • Package Your Application: Before deploying your application, you need to create a deployment package. This package should include all the necessary files and dependencies your application requires to run. Common methods for packaging your application include creating a ZIP archive or a tarball of your application code and assets.
  • Organize Your Files: Ensure that all files and directories are organized correctly within the package. Consider excluding any unnecessary files, temporary data, or build artifacts to keep the package size minimal.
  • Check Dependencies: Verify that all dependencies required for your application are included in the package. This may include libraries, configuration files, and environment-specific variables.
  • Version Your Application: It’s a best practice to version your application. Consider appending a version number to your deployment package or using a version control system like Git to manage your application code. This helps with tracking and rollback procedures.

Step 2: Uploading the Application Revision to Amazon S3

AWS CodeDeploy uses Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) to store and manage application revisions. In this step, you’ll upload your application revision to an S3 bucket.

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: If you’re not already logged in, access the AWS Management Console with your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to Amazon S3: Use the AWS services search bar or locate Amazon S3 in the AWS Console.
  • Create an S3 Bucket: If you don’t have a suitable S3 bucket for your application revision, create one. This bucket will serve as the storage location for your deployment artifacts.
  • Upload Your Application Revision: Within the S3 bucket, create a folder or directory to store your application revisions. Then, upload the packaged application revision into this folder.
  • Note the S3 URL: After the upload is complete, note the S3 URL of the uploaded application revision. You’ll use this URL when specifying the revision in the AWS CodeDeploy console.

Step 3: Specifying the Revision in the AWS CodeDeploy Console

Now that your application revision is in Amazon S3, you’ll configure your AWS CodeDeploy application to use this revision.

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: If you’re not already logged in, access the AWS Management Console with your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to AWS CodeDeploy: Using the AWS services search bar, locate AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS Console.
  • Select Your Application: Click on the CodeDeploy application you set up in Demo 1.
  • Create a Deployment: Within the application, create a new deployment by clicking the “Create deployment” button.
  • Specify Deployment Configuration: In the deployment creation process, you’ll be prompted to specify the deployment configuration, such as the deployment group, deployment type, and the application revision source. Here, you’ll specify the S3 URL of your application revision.
  • Review and Create: Review the deployment details and configuration settings to ensure they are accurate. Click “Create deployment” to initiate the deployment process.

By the end of this demo, you should have successfully prepared your application for deployment by packaging it, uploading the application revision to Amazon S3, and specifying the revision in the AWS CodeDeploy console. These steps ensure that your application is ready for a seamless deployment using AWS CodeDeploy in the subsequent demos.

Demo 3: Deploying to EC2 Instances

Now, it’s time to deploy your application to a fleet of EC2 instances. This demo will guide you through the process of creating a deployment and launching it. Important points to cover include:

  • Creating a new deployment.
  • Specifying the deployment configuration.
  • Selecting the target EC2 instances.
  • Monitoring the deployment progress.
  • Rolling back a deployment if issues arise.

In this hands-on demo, we’ll guide you through the process of deploying your application to Amazon EC2 instances using AWS CodeDeploy. Amazon EC2 is a popular choice for hosting web applications, and AWS CodeDeploy streamlines the deployment process. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Accessing the AWS CodeDeploy Console

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: If you’re not already logged in, access the AWS Management Console using your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to AWS CodeDeploy: Using the AWS services search bar or by locating AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS Console, open the AWS CodeDeploy console.

Step 2: Creating a New Deployment

  • Select Your Application: In the AWS CodeDeploy console, choose the application you created in Demo 1 from the list of applications.
  • Create a Deployment: Inside your application, click on the “Create deployment” button. This will initiate the process of creating a new deployment.

Step 3: Configuring the Deployment

  • Specify Deployment Group: In the deployment configuration, select the deployment group you created in Demo 1, which represents the EC2 instances you want to target for deployment.
  • Specify Revision: Specify the application revision that you prepared in Demo 2. This should be the S3 URL of the application revision.
  • Deployment Configuration: Set the deployment configuration, including the deployment type (e.g., in-place or blue-green), deployment strategy, and any other specific settings you need for your deployment.
  • Deployment Groups Settings: You can further customize your deployment by configuring options like load balancer settings, alarms, triggers, and rollbacks.

Step 4: Review and Create

  • Review Deployment Details: Carefully review the deployment details to ensure everything is accurate and aligned with your deployment plan.
  • Create the Deployment: Once you are satisfied with the configuration, click the “Create deployment” button to initiate the deployment to your EC2 instances.

Step 5: Monitoring Deployment Progress

  • Monitor Deployment Progress: You can track the progress of the deployment in the AWS CodeDeploy console. It provides information on the status of each instance, deployment logs, and overall progress.
  • Rolling Back: If any issues arise during the deployment, you can choose to roll back to the previous revision, which is a feature that can minimize downtime and disruptions.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully deploy your application to Amazon EC2 instances using AWS CodeDeploy. This is a critical step in ensuring your application updates are delivered efficiently and consistently to your hosted instances. In the subsequent demos, you’ll explore more advanced features and deployment scenarios with AWS CodeDeploy.

Demo 4: Deploying to AWS Lambda

AWS CodeDeploy isn’t limited to just EC2 instances. You can also use it to deploy your serverless applications to AWS Lambda functions. In this demo, you’ll learn how to set up CodeDeploy for Lambda deployments, including:

  • Creating a CodeDeploy application for Lambda.
  • Specifying the deployment configuration.
  • Defining the Lambda deployment group.
  • Initiating and monitoring the Lambda deployment.

In this hands-on demo, we’ll guide you through the process of deploying serverless applications to AWS Lambda functions using AWS CodeDeploy. Lambda is a popular choice for running serverless applications, and AWS CodeDeploy can simplify the deployment process. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Accessing the AWS CodeDeploy Console

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: If you’re not already logged in, access the AWS Management Console using your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to AWS CodeDeploy: Using the AWS services search bar or by locating AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS Console, open the AWS CodeDeploy console.

Step 2: Creating a New Deployment

  • Select Your Application: In the AWS CodeDeploy console, choose the application you created in Demo 1 from the list of applications.
  • Create a Deployment: Inside your application, click on the “Create deployment” button. This will initiate the process of creating a new deployment.

Step 3: Configuring the Deployment

  • Specify Deployment Group: In the deployment configuration, select the deployment group you created in Demo 1, which represents the AWS Lambda functions you want to target for deployment.
  • Specify Revision: Specify the application revision that you prepared in Demo 2. This should be the S3 URL of the application revision.
  • Deployment Configuration: Set the deployment configuration, including the deployment type (e.g., blue-green), deployment strategy, and any other specific settings you need for your deployment to Lambda functions.
  • Deployment Groups Settings: Configure additional options like traffic shifting, alarms, triggers, and rollbacks, depending on your deployment strategy.

Step 4: Review and Create

  • Review Deployment Details: Carefully review the deployment details to ensure everything is accurate and aligned with your deployment plan.
  • Create the Deployment: Once you are satisfied with the configuration, click the “Create deployment” button to initiate the deployment to your Lambda functions.

Step 5: Monitoring Deployment Progress

  • Monitor Deployment Progress: You can track the progress of the deployment in the AWS CodeDeploy console. It provides information on the status of each Lambda function, deployment logs, and overall progress.
  • Rolling Back: If any issues arise during the deployment, you can choose to roll back to the previous revision, which can help minimize any disruptions in your serverless application.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully deploy your serverless application to AWS Lambda functions using AWS CodeDeploy. This enables you to efficiently update and manage your Lambda-based applications. In the subsequent demos, you’ll explore more advanced features and deployment scenarios with AWS CodeDeploy.

Demo 5: Blue-Green Deployments

Blue-Green deployments are an essential part of ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime. In this demo, you’ll explore how to perform Blue-Green deployments using AWS CodeDeploy. Key points to cover include:

  • Creating two deployment groups, one for Blue and one for Green.
  • Redirecting traffic to the Green deployment.
  • Monitoring the Green deployment.
  • Rolling back to the Blue deployment if necessary.

In this hands-on demo, we’ll guide you through the process of executing Blue-Green deployments using AWS CodeDeploy. Blue-Green deployments are an essential approach for ensuring high availability and minimal downtime during application updates.

Step 1: Accessing the AWS CodeDeploy Console

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: Ensure you’re logged in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to AWS CodeDeploy: Use the AWS services search bar or locate AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS Console to open the AWS CodeDeploy console.

Step 2: Creating a New Deployment

  • Select Your Application: Choose the application you created in Demo 1 from the list of applications in the AWS CodeDeploy console.
  • Create a Deployment: Inside your application, click on the “Create deployment” button to initiate a new deployment.

Step 3: Configuring the Deployment

  • Specify Deployment Group: In the deployment configuration, select both the Blue and Green deployment groups you created in the previous demos. This setup is a fundamental aspect of the Blue-Green deployment strategy.
  • Specify Revision: Specify the application revision, as you did in previous demos, by providing the S3 URL of the application revision.
  • Deployment Configuration: Configure the deployment strategy as “Blue-Green.” Adjust other settings such as traffic shifting and minimum healthy hosts as necessary for your specific deployment scenario.
  • Review and Create: Review the deployment details, ensuring they align with your Blue-Green deployment plan. Click the “Create deployment” button to initiate the deployment.

Step 4: Monitoring Deployment Progress

  • Monitor Deployment Progress: Track the deployment progress in the AWS CodeDeploy console. Observe how traffic is shifted gradually from the Blue environment to the Green environment.

Step 5: Rolling Back (if necessary)

  • Rolling Back: In case you encounter issues during the deployment, you have the option to roll back to the Blue environment. AWS CodeDeploy makes this process relatively simple, helping you minimize downtime and service disruptions.

Blue-Green deployments allow you to seamlessly update your applications with minimal disruption. By following these steps, you’ll have successfully executed a Blue-Green deployment using AWS CodeDeploy. In the subsequent demos, we’ll explore more advanced features and best practices for using AWS CodeDeploy in various deployment scenarios.

Demo 6: Managing Deployments

Once your deployments are up and running, you’ll need to manage them effectively. This demo covers various management tasks, including:

  • Stopping a deployment in progress.
  • Viewing deployment logs and details.
  • Redeploying a previous revision.
  • Automating deployments with AWS CodePipeline.

In this hands-on demo, we will explore how to manage deployments using AWS CodeDeploy. Effective deployment management is crucial for ensuring that your applications are delivered reliably and for addressing any issues that may arise during the deployment process.

Step 1: Accessing the AWS CodeDeploy Console

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console: Ensure you are logged in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS credentials.
  • Navigate to AWS CodeDeploy: Access the AWS CodeDeploy console by using the AWS services search bar or locating AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS Console.

Step 2: Stopping a Deployment

  • Stop a Deployment: In the AWS CodeDeploy console, navigate to the deployment that you want to stop. Click on the deployment you wish to stop.
  • Stop the Deployment: Click the “Stop” button to halt the deployment in progress. You can choose to stop the deployment for all instances or for specific instances within the deployment group.

Step 3: Viewing Deployment Logs and Details

  • View Deployment Details: Select the deployment you want to investigate, then click on it to view the deployment details. This will provide you with information about the deployment status, deployment group, and other important information.
  • View Deployment Logs: From the deployment details page, you can access logs, including events, lifecycle events, and scripts that were run during the deployment. These logs can help diagnose issues and understand the progress of the deployment.

Step 4: Redeploying a Previous Revision

  • Redeploy a Previous Revision: If you need to revert to a previous application revision, go to the application’s deployment group and select the deployment you want to redeploy. Click on the “Redeploy” button to initiate the redeployment of that specific revision.

Step 5: Automating Deployments with AWS CodePipeline

  • Set Up AWS CodePipeline: To automate your deployments further, you can integrate AWS CodeDeploy with AWS CodePipeline, which creates a continuous delivery pipeline for your applications. You can configure your CodePipeline to monitor your source code repository and automatically deploy new changes using CodeDeploy when new code is pushed.

By following these steps, you’ll learn how to manage deployments effectively using AWS CodeDeploy. This knowledge will empower you to handle deployments, troubleshoot issues, and automate the deployment process, streamlining your application delivery and ensuring reliability in your AWS environment. In the subsequent demos, we’ll explore advanced features and best practices for using AWS CodeDeploy.

Demo 7: Advanced Features

In this final demo, you’ll explore some advanced features and best practices of AWS CodeDeploy. Topics to discuss include:

  • Using hooks to perform custom actions during deployments.
  • Integrating CodeDeploy with third-party tools and services.
  • Managing deployments across multiple regions.
  • Configuring auto-scaling groups with CodeDeploy.


AWS CodeDeploy is a crucial service for anyone looking to streamline and automate their application deployment processes. By following these hands-on demos, you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to set up, configure, and manage deployments using CodeDeploy. With the knowledge and skills gained from these demos, you’ll be better equipped to deploy your applications with confidence, ensuring high availability and reliability in your AWS environment. So, roll up your sleeves and start deploying with AWS CodeDeploy!

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